Building Alterations
Alterations and additions must not be undertaken without the prior written consent of the Executive Committee (EC). Alterations include the erection of any structure (such as external blinds, bamboo or the like screens, pergolas, awnings, satellite dishes or other shade devices), painting or otherwise altering the external façade or appearance of the building, modifications to any air conditioning, heating or ventilation system and their associated piping or ducting servicing a unit.
All requests for alterations should be forwarded to the Strata Manager for consideration by EC. In the case of tenants, requests should be submitted through the managing Real Estate Agent.
In planning alterations the following should be noted:
EC approval is unlikely to be given to any alterations that will impact on the privacy/amenity of another resident or that is not in keeping with the general appearance of the complex.
All internal alterations are to be carried out in accordance with local building legislation and approval requirements.
The owner must ensure that such works are undertaken in a reasonable manner so as to minimise any nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to other residents.
The owner is to advise the EC in advance of commencement of the planned works and keep the EC informed if their are any significant delays during construction.
The EC have the right to inspect works at completion with respect to the impact on common property.
As the apartment front doors are fire rated, security doors, deadbolts, and peepholes are not permitted to be installed to the front doors of the unit.
Correspondingly, entrance locks to apartments must not be changed as they form part of a master keying access for fire safety.